Month: November 2022


Henry Rosovsky dead at 95

Henry Rosovsky was an economic historian and innovative administrator who twice served as dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences and acting president of the University. He passed away Nov. 11 at his home in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Read The New York Times article to learn about Rosovsky’s contribution to Black and Jewish Studies at…

Dr. Samantha Cooper | “Sounding Jewish” Podcast

The CJS is proud to co-sponsor the Sounding Jewish Podcast by Dr. Samantha M. Cooper What does Jewish identity sound like, and why have scholars from around the world devoted their careers to studying it? The Sounding Jewish Podcast features host Dr. Samantha M. Cooper in conversation with global musicologists, ethnomusicologists and sound studies scholars who…

Opportunities for Yiddish students

The CJS is happy to share these opportunities offered by the Yiddish Book Center in Amherst, MA: The Steiner Summer Yiddish Program offers college students and recent graduates, ages 18-29, an opportunity to take a full year of Yiddish-language courses (worth up to six college credits) in seven weeks, tuition-free, at the Yiddish Book Center. The 2023 Program runs June…

Harvard’s Medieval History Workshop presents Deeana Klepper:

Deeana Klepper: “Christians and Jews in Late Medieval Guides for Parish Priests: Local Approaches and Lived Religion.”  Tuesday, November 29, 5:00pm | Robinson Lower Library  The Medieval History Workshop is honored to welcome Deeana Klepper, Professor of History and Religion at Boston University, for her paper entitled “Christians and Jews in Late Medieval Guides for Parish Priests: Local Approaches and…

Harvard’s first Ladino course to be offered in Spring 2023

For Harvard Students:  LADINO16: Beginning Ladino (S2023): Learn Ladino through music, film, and literature Be part of Harvard’s first-ever course in Ladino language instruction. A hybrid of a literature seminar and a traditional language course,Beginning Ladino examines the linguistic legacy of the Sephardic Jews who brought their unique variety of Iberian Romance to othercountries after being…

Lecture to mark the 27th anniversary of the assassination of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin

Beyond Zero Sum: Lessons from the Israeli-Palestinian Relationship on the 27th anniversary of the assassination of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin The Israeli Consulate in New England, the Israeli American Council, Harvard Hillel, and the Israeli Caucus in HKS invite you to a conversation with Dr. Tal Becker in honor of Yitzhak Rabin legacy. Thursday, November 17th, 3:00-4:30…

Harvard Judaica 60th Anniversary Video Program

Harvard Judaica Newsletter cover

We are happy to share Harvard Judaica at 60, the Harvard Judaica Division’s 60th anniversary video program. Hear the reflections on this significant milestone from a roster of distinguished speakers: Lawrence S. BacowPresident, Harvard University Alan M. GarberProvost, Harvard University Robert D. Frost ‘92President, The Lucius N. Littauer Foundation Martha WhiteheadVice President for the Harvard Library and…