Summer, Fall Term
Anna Sierka
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Anna Sierka earned her PhD at the University of Munich with a doctoral dissertation focusing on the adaptation of imagery known from the medieval Ashkenazi esoteric sources in Lurianic Kabbalah, chiefly in Naphtali Bachrach’s major oeuvre Emeq ha-Melekh. She has been a Golda Meir Postdoctoral Fellow and subsequently, a Minerva Fellow in the Department of Jewish Thought at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and a Harry Starr Fellow in Judaica at the Center for Jewish Studies at Harvard. She also is a recipient of the Ephraim E. Urbach Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Jewish Studies awarded by The Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture. Her research explorers significant shifts in esoteric and kabbalistic doctrines against the backdrop of the manuscript sources.