For Scholars from outside Harvard

Harry Starr Fellowship in Judaica

2025-2026 Theme: Jewish Mysticism and Kabbalah

Application Deadline: December 12, 2024

Recommendation Deadline: December 20, 2024

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The Harvard University Center for Jewish Studies invites applications each academic year for the Harry Starr Fellowship in Judaica. Applicants may come from any discipline in the humanities or social sciences associated with studies in Judaica; junior faculty are especially encouraged to apply. PhDs are required.

The Harry Starr Fellowships were established by a bequest from the estate of Harry Starr, A.B. 1921, LL.B. 1924, who had a broad vision of academic Jewish studies and of their place in university programs in the humanities and the social sciences.

The Starr Fellowship covers travel expenses and a stipend for a group of scholars from around the world to gather at Harvard to engage in full-time research in a designated subject area in Judaica. By drawing together scholars from a variety of universities and a variety of disciplines within the humanities and social sciences, the Starr Fellows not only share their research with each other but also with members of the Harvard community.

Residence in the Boston area and participation in the Center community are required during the fellowship appointment. All Starr Fellows must be in residence for at least the entirety of the spring semester, but we encourage Fellows to come for the entire year. Fellows are expected to devote full-time study to their projects without undertaking any other major activities and will be asked to present their work in progress in a seminar during the spring semester. It is hoped that fellows will participate in the academic and social life of the University and the Jewish studies community at Harvard.

Eligibility: Scholars from around the world, recent Ph.D. recipients, junior faculty

Stipend Amount: $40,000 for the spring semester or $70,000 for the full academic year

Field(s) of Interest:
The Starr fellowships for 2025-2026 will be available exclusively to recent Ph.D. recipients working on Jewish mysticism, including Kabbalah in all periods, Hasidism, including neo-Hasidism, and other forms of Jewish thought significantly influenced by Kabbalah. Candidates working in the Humanities (philosophy, theology, literature) and the Social Sciences (anthropology, sociology, ethnography) are encouraged to apply. Ph.D. required. Applicants must have their Ph.D. degree in hand by July 1, 2025. Recent recipients of the doctorate and junior faculty are especially encouraged to apply.

Application includes:

  • short project proposal (1-2 pages)
  • Curriculum vitae
  • two letters of recommendation; the recommendation deadline is December 20, 2024
Apply via ARIeS: Harry Starr Fellowship in Judaica

Other Eligibility Requirements:
Applicants who do not have the Ph.D. degree in hand at the time of the application must provide a letter from their advisor stating that they will have the Ph.D. in hand by July 1, 2025. Starr Fellows must be in residence for at least the entirety of the spring term unless University policy forbids Harvard-sponsored travel and access to Harvard buildings and resources. We encourage fellows to come for the entire year.

Daniel Jeremy Silver Fellowship

Application Deadline: March 31, 2025

Recommendation Deadline: April 7, 2025

QR code to application page

The Fellowship, established in honor of the late Rabbi Dr. Daniel Jeremy Silver, Harvard Class of 1948, of Cleveland, Ohio, by his family and friends, will be awarded to an active member of the clergy who has demonstrated serious intellectual and academic ability, interest and energy in the pursuit of scholarship in Jewish studies.

It is intended to allow the recipient to begin, continue, or complete a piece of serious research in some area of Jewish scholarship for one semester at Harvard before he or she returns to congregational life. To pursue this concentrated course of work and study, the Silver Fellow will enjoy full access to the unique resources of the University, its libraries, professors, staff, and courses.

Stipend Amount: $40,000 for one semester (fall or spring)

Eligibility: Active members of the clergy. Preference will be given to active congregational or campus rabbis.

Field of Interest: Jewish studies

Application includes:

  • Curriculum vitae
  • detailed research proposal (1-2 pages)
  • samples of finished work, publications, and/or work in progress
  • two letters of recommendation
    • one reference from a member of the board of directors of the applicant’s congregation
    • one reference from an individual qualified to assess the applicant’s scholarly work
All candidates: Apply via ARIeS: Daniel Jeremy Silver Fellowship

Other Eligibility Requirements:
Silver Fellows must be in residence during the time of their appointment unless University policy forbids Harvard-sponsored travel and access to Harvard buildings and resources.

Alan M. Stroock Fellowship

The gift of Alan M. Stroock ’29, through the Alan and Katherine Stroock Fund, is granted occasionally by the Center for Jewish Studies to Post-doctoral Fellows and Visiting Scholars to conduct research at Harvard.

The Center for Jewish Studies occasionally offers the Stroock Fellowship to applicants who join Harry Starr Fellows in Judaica cohort. It may also be used to support Scholars at Risk from different countries or in other cases at the discretion of the CJS Executive Committee.

Stipend Amount: Varies

Eligibility: Scholars from around the world, must be recent PhD recipients or ladder faculty at an accredited institution.

Field of Interest: Jewish studies

Application includes:

  • Curriculum vitae
  • detailed research proposal (1-2 pages)
  • Two letters of recommendation (for Post-doctoral Fellows)
  • two letters of recommendation
  • Commitment of a CJS Executive Committee member to serve as host
  • For those joining the Harry Starr Fellowship in Judaica cohort, see application information above

All Non-Harvard external candidates:

  1. Create a Harvard Key Light account

Other Eligibility Requirements:
Stroock Fellows must be in residence during the time of their appointment unless University policy forbids Harvard-sponsored travel and access to Harvard buildings and resources