HDS 1508 – Jewish-Christianity

HDS 1508 – Jewish-Christianity

Semester: Spring
Offered: 2025
Instructor: Annette Yoshiko Reed
Meeting Time: T, 12:00 – 3:00pm

This advanced seminar will explore those ancient sources traditionally studied under the rubric “Jewish Christianity,” as well as the historiography of this rubric and debates about its utility. Primary sources to be discussed include Matthew, Acts, the Didascalia Apostolorum, and the Pseudo-Clementine literature, and secondary sources will include writings from Augustus Neander, F. C. Baur, and Henrich Graetz. We will also consider its heurism for the study of other texts and groups, ranging from Revelation to the Elchasites. Students should have taken at least three semesters of ancient Greek; exceptions may be made for students with substantial knowledge of Hebrew and Rabbinic literature. Limited enrollment.

For more details please visit the Harvard Course Catalog.