CLAS-HEB 130BR / HDS 1625 – Rapid Reading Classical Hebrew II

CLAS-HEB 130BR / HDS 1625 – Rapid Reading Classical Hebrew II

Semester: Spring
Offered: 2025
Instructor: Vladimir Olivero
Meeting Time: Th, 12:00 – 2:00pm

The book of Psalms presents one of the key poetic texts of Hebrew Bible, showing great variety of style and emotion, from lamentation to praise. This course provides a flexible and group-oriented approach to ‘rapid’ reading larger quantities of biblical Hebrew poetry using a wide selection of psalms, along with selected texts from the prophetic corpus. The focus of the course is on facility in recitation and translation, but also includes a review of vocabulary and advanced grammar, as well as discussion of poetic syntax. Because students come to the course with various backgrounds in classical Hebrew, the assignments, readings, and exams may be individualized, allowing some students to focus more on grammar questions, others on facility in recitation and translation, as needed. This course may be considered preparatory for advanced seminars in both Hebrew Bible narrative and poetry.

Recommended Prep: Classical Hebrew 130a or equivalent.

Jointly Offered with: Harvard Divinity School as HDS1626

For more details please visit the Harvard Course Catalog.