ANE 211 – Social Archaeology of Iron Age Ancient Israel

ANE 211 – Social Archaeology of Iron Age Ancient Israel

Semester: Spring
Offered: 2025
Instructor: Andrew Danielson
Meeting Time: M, 3:00-5:45pm

This course examines past societies of the ancient southern Levant through the archaeological record of the Iron Age (ca. 1175–550 BCE). The course focusses on the kingdoms and cultures of Israel, Judah, Philistia, Ammon, Moab and Edom, engaging with the periods prior to their formation, the processes that shaped them, and the aftereffects of their demise. Specific course topics include state formation, nomadism, cross-cultural interaction, identity, economies, power in society, empire, resistance, refugees, and religion. This course will involve the Harvard Museum of the Ancient Near East, making use of the exhibits, and especially the archaeological material culture in its storerooms. Students will regularly engage with this material culture, forming research projects and presentations in relation to it.

For more details please visit the Harvard Course Catalog.