Course listings as of October 21, 2024. Course offerings and times may change.
Please check the Website of the Registrar’s Office of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences for updated information.
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General Education
First Year Seminars
Medicine in Nazi Germany and the Holocaust—Anatomy as Example for Changes in Medical Science
Sabine Hildebrandt
Biblical and Ancient
Introduction to the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament 2: Latter Prophets and Writings
ANE 120B / HDS 1103
Andrew Teeter
Classical and Medieval Jewish History, Literature, and Culture
The Literatures of Medieval Iberia: Approaches and Debates in their Comparative Study
COMPLIT 252 / HDS 3726
Luis Girón Negrón
Modern Jewish History, Literature, and Culture
Israel’s Chosenness: Ancient Roots and Modern Manifestations
JEWISHST 211 / HDS 1672
Shaul Magid, Ishay Rosen-Zvi
Hebrew (Classical and Modern), Yiddish, and other Jewish Languages
Jewish Law (Harvard Law School)
Antinomianism: Revolts Against Law in Judaism, Christianity, and American Political Culture
HLS 3345
Jay Michaelson
Courses relevant to Jewish studies
Before and After Muhammad: The Rise and Rivalry of Monotheisms in Late Antiquity
HDS 3349
Mohsen Goudarzi