CLAS-HEB 120B / HDS 4021 – Intermediate Classical Hebrew II
Semester: Spring
Offered: 2024
Course Head: Andrew Teeter
Instructor: TBA
Meeting Time: Th 1:00pm-2:45pm
This course is centered on the close reading of select poetic texts from the Hebrew Bible in Hebrew, with a focus on deepening one’s knowledge of morphology and syntax, broadening one’s vocabulary base, and understanding how Hebrew poetry works. The latter will include, among other things, giving attention to the rhetorical devices found in the poems that are studied and to appreciating these poems as compositions that were intended to be heard rather than simply read from the page.
Prerequisite: Intermediate Classical Hebrew I (Classical Hebrew 120B / HDS 4020) or the equivalent.
Offered jointly with: Harvard Divinity School as HDS 4021.
For more details please visit the Harvard Course Catalog.