RELIGION 1301 / HDS 1156 – Time in Ancient Judaism and Christianity


RELIGION 1301 / HDS 1156 – Time in Ancient Judaism and Christianity

Semester: Fall
Offered: 2024
Instructor: Annette Reed
Meeting Time: T 12:00pm-3:00pm

This seminar will combine theoretical readings on time and temporality with textual and historical analyses of primary source from ancient Judaism and Christianity. The latter will include materials from the Hebrew Bible, Second Temple and Rabbinic Jewish literature, and New Testament and Patristic literature. Topics to be explored include historical consciousness, apocalyptic and messianic temporalities, liturgical and festal cycles of time, and the indigenous resistance and response to imperial temporal regimes. 

Recommended Prep: Some knowledge of Hebrew and/or Greek recommended but not required.

Limited enrollment: students who are interested in enrolling should send an email to Prof. Reed explaining their interest in the seminar as well as prior background. 

For more details please visit the Harvard Course Catalog.