CLAS-HEB 130AR / HDS 1625 – Rapid Reading Classical Hebrew I: Former Prophets

CLAS-HEB 130AR / HDS 1625 – Rapid Reading Classical Hebrew I: Former Prophets

Semester: Fall
Offered: 2024
Course Head: Julia Rhyder   Instructor: TBA
Meeting Time: Th 12:00pm – 2:00pm

This course is designed to help students increase their reading fluency with Classical Hebrew (in the Tiberian tradition), deepen their knowledge of Hebrew morphosyntax, and expand their Hebrew vocabulary by covering large areas of biblical Hebrew narrative from the Former Prophets (Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings). In the process, students will be exposed to Hebrew prose materials that are key to understanding the history of ancient Israel and Judah and the formation of the Hebrew Bible.

Course Notes: This course is supervised by Dr. Rhyder but taught by instructional staff.

Recommended Prep: Classical Hebrew AA/AB sequence, CH 120A, and 120B, or equivalent.

Offered jointly with: Harvard Divinity School as HDS 1625

For more details please visit the Harvard Course Catalog.