The Center for Jewish Studies supports books and other publications distributed by Harvard University Press


Henry Abramson
A Prayer for the Government: Ukrainians and Jews in Revolutionary Times, 1917-1920
Distributed by Harvard University Press for
the Ukrainian Research Institute and
Center for Jewish Studies, Harvard University,

Edward Breuer
The Limits of Enlightenment: Jews, Germans,
and the Eighteenth-Century Study of Scripture
Distributed by Harvard University Press for
the Center for Jewish Studies,
Harvard University,

Justin Cammy; translator, ed.
By Hinde Bergner
On long winter nights…: Memoirs of a Jewish Family in a Galician Township (1870-1900)
Distributed by Harvard University Press for
the Center for Jewish Studies, Harvard University,

Justin Cammy, Dara Horn, Alyssa Quint, Rachel Rubinstein; eds.
Arguing the Modern Jewish Canon: Essays on Literature and Culture in Honor of Ruth R. Wisse
Distributed by Harvard University Press for
the Center for Jewish Studies, Harvard University,

Bernard Dov Cooperman, ed.
Jewish Thought in the
Sixteenth Century
Distributed by Harvard University Press for
the Center for Jewish Studies, Harvard University,

Jay M. Harris, ed.
Be’erot Yitshak:
Studies in Memory of Isadore Twersky
Distributed by Harvard University Press for
the Center for Jewish Studies, Harvard University,

Jay M. Harris, ed.
Maimonides after 800 Years: Essays on Maimonides and his Influence
Distributed by Harvard University Press for
the Center for Jewish Studies, Harvard University,

Jay M. Harris, ed.
The Pride of Jacob: Essays on Jacob Katz
and his Work
Distributed by Harvard University Press for
the Center for Jewish Studies, Harvard University,

Steven Harvey
Falaquera’s Epistle of the Debate: An Introduction
to Jewish Philosophy
Distributed by Harvard University Press for
the Center for Jewish Studies, Harvard University,

Carmi Horowitz
The Jewish Sermon in 14th Century Spain:
The Derashot of R. Joshua ibn Shu’eib
Distributed by Harvard University Press for
the Center for Jewish Studies, Harvard University,

Aaron L. Katchen
Distributed by Harvard University Press for
the Center for Jewish Studies, Harvard University,

James L. Kugel
Distributed by Harvard University Press for
the Center for Jewish Studies, Harvard University,

James L. Kugel
Distributed by Belknap Press of Harvard University Press for the Center for Jewish Studies, Harvard University,

James Kugel, ed.
Distributed by Harvard University Press for
the Center for Jewish Studies, Harvard University,

M. J. Rosman
Distributed by Harvard University Press for
the Ukrainian Research Institute and
Center for Jewish Studies, Harvard University,

Bezalel Safran, ed.
Hasidism: Continuity or Innovation
Distributed by Harvard University Press for
the Center for Jewish Studies,
Harvard University,

Marc Saperstein
Decoding the Rabbis: A Thirteenth-Century Commentary on the Aggadah
Distributed by Harvard University Press for
the Center for Jewish Studies, Harvard University ,

Bernard Septimus
Hispano-Jewish Culture in Transition: The Career and Controversies of Ramah
Distributed by Harvard University Press for
the Center for Jewish Studies, Harvard University,

Richard C. Steiner
A Biblical Translation in the Making: The Evolution and Impact of Saadia Gaon’s Tafsīr
Distributed by Harvard University Press for
the Center for Jewish Studies, Harvard University,

Israel M. Ta-Shma
Creativity and Tradition: Studies in Medieval Rabbinic Scholarship, Literature and Thought
Distributed by Harvard University Press for
the Center for Jewish Studies, Harvard University,

Isadore Twersky, ed.
Danzig, Between East and West: Aspects of
Modern Jewish History
Distributed by Harvard University Press for
the Center for Jewish Studies, Harvard University,

Isadore Twersky, Jay M. Harris; eds.
Rabbi Abraham Ibn Ezra: Studies in the
Writings of a Twelfth-Century Jewish Polymath
Distributed by Harvard University Press for
the Center for Jewish Studies, Harvard University,

Isadore Twersky, ed.
Rabbi Moses Nahmanides (Ramban):
Explorations in his
Religious and Literary Virtuosity
Distributed by Harvard University Press for
the Center for Jewish Studies, Harvard University,

Isadore Twersky, Bernard Septimus; eds.
Jewish Thought
in the
Seventeenth Century
Distributed by Harvard University Press for
the Center for Jewish Studies, Harvard University,

Isadore Twersky, Jay M. Harris; eds.
Studies in Medieval Jewish History
and Literature
Distributed by Harvard University Press for
the Center for Jewish Studies, Harvard University,

Isadore Twersky, ed.
Studies in Medieval Jewish History
and Literature , Vol. II
Distributed by Harvard University Press for
the Center for Jewish Studies, Harvard University,

Isadore Twersky, Jay M. Harris; eds.
Studies in Medieval Jewish History
and Literature , Vol. III
Distributed by Harvard University Press for
the Center for Jewish Studies, Harvard University,

Isadore Twersky, ed.
Distributed by Harvard University Press for
the Center for Jewish Studies, Harvard University,