HIST 1008 – One Land, Two Peoples: The Modern History of Israel/Palestine
Semester: Spring
Offered: 2025
Instructor: Derek Penslar
Meeting Time: M, W, 10:30-11:45am
This course studies the history of an area in western Asia, about as large as the state of Massachusetts, that is known by many names, including Palestine, Israel, the Holy Land, and the Land of Israel. It is home to one of the world’s most enduring conflicts and arguably the one that attracts the most attention. This course situates the history of Israel/Palestine within a broad chronological framework — from the mid 1800s to the present – and within the contexts of Middle Eastern, Western, Jewish, and Islamic history. Doing so demonstrates the inseparability of this small territory from the major political movements of the twentieth century, including nationalism (both secular and religious), colonialism, and anti-colonialism. A global approach also demonstrates the role of major states and of the Jewish and Arab diasporas in affecting Israel/Palestine’s fate over the past century.
Class Notes: This class requires students to enroll in an untimed, placeholder section during registration and to submit time preferences. Sections will be assigned immediately after registration. Section times are: TBD.
This course meets the “Beyond North America” History Concentration requirement.
For more details please visit the Harvard Course Catalog.