A Festschrift Presentation in Honor of David Stern

A Festschrift Presentation in Honor of David Stern

On September 16, 2024, Colleagues, friends, and family gathered at the Harvard Faculty Club to honor David Stern, Harry Starr Professor of Classical and Modern Jewish and Hebrew Literature and Professor of Comparative Literature, with the presentation of a festschrift.

The program began with a talk by Annette Yoshiko Reed, Krister Stendahl Professor of Divinity and Professor of New Testament and Early Christianity, Harvard Divinity School. Festschrift Editors Katrin Kogman-Appel, University of Münster, Institut für Jüdische Studien, and Naftali Cohn, Professor, Religions and Cultures, Concordia University followed with remarks. Words of thanks from Professor Stern and a reception concluded the festivities.

Thank you, David, for all you have done as Director of the CJS and for your contribution to the field of Jewish studies!

Beloved David--Advisor, Man of Understanding, and Writer: Festschrift book cover
Photos from Festschrift event