Year: 2023

Shaul Magid: “Judeopessimism: Antisemitism, History, and Critical Race Theory.”


The Center for the Study of World Religions is hosting our annual Albert & Vera List Lecture in Jewish Studies on Monday, April 3rd, 2023. Guest speaker Shaul Magid of Dartmouth University will be presenting Judeopessimism: Antisemitism, History, and Critical Race Theory.  The event will take place at 5:30pm – 7:00 PM at the CSWR. It is FREE…

2023 Selma and Lewis Weinstein Prize in Jewish Studies for Undergraduate Students

Take advantage of this upcoming opportunity, and apply via CARAT: We are pleased to announce that the CARAT application portal has opened for The Selma and Lewis Weinstein Prize which is awarded for an outstanding essay in Jewish studies by a Harvard undergraduate. This is a $2,500 prize. REMINDER: The deadline for applying to the Weinstein Prize is Monday, April 3, 2023. Entries must not exceed 25…

Harvard Judaica Publishes Two New Undergraduate Theses

Harvard Judaica Newsletter cover

New Harvard Judaica Student Research Papers are now available online or in print. Latest papers feature prize-winning undergraduate research into ancient Babylonian Jewish naming practices and into the influence of the USA on Israeli economics in the 20th century: For further details see the Harvard Judaica Newsletter….

Congratulations Rachel Rockenmacher!

Crocus flowers in bloom

Please Join the Center for Jewish Studies Faculty in congratulating Rachel Rockenmacher.  Rachel has been approved for a well-deserved and long-overdue job upgrade; she is now our Executive Director! This new title more accurately reflects the growth in breadth and complexity of Rachel’s responsibilities, as well as her unmatched understanding of the CJS’s structure and operation. The…

The Davis Center Hosts Professor Maxim Shrayer


The Davis Center Hosts Professor Maxim Shrayer | Immigrant Baggage: Scenes from a Translingual Life The Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies hosts author and Boston College professor Maxim D. Shrayer as he reads from and discusses his new book, Immigrant Baggage.  Monday, March 20, 2023, 4 –5:30pm EST See more details about this talk….

The CJS welcomes Aleksandra Kremer to its Executive Committee

Photo of Aleksandra Kremer

The CJS extends a warm welcome to Alexandra Kremer, Associate Professor of Slavic Languages and Literatures in the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, and the newest member of our Executive Committee.Her main area of research and teaching is Polish literature and culture, with special interests in modern poetry, sound studies, cultural history, visual arts,…

Harvard Students Curate Exhibition of Haggadot from Harvard Library

Harvard Judaica Newsletter cover

Visit the Loeb Music Library from now until April 17 to view ancient, funny, breathtaking and moving Haggadot from the Harvard Judaica Collection.  Harvard Haggadot is a flash-curated exhibition showcasing the Judaica Collection’s unique resources presented by Harvard students. The group met in January, right before the start of the Spring semester and embarked upon an…