Center for the Study of World Religions List Lecture in Jewish Studies with Adam Afterman: Kabbalistic Neoplatonism: Divine Emanation and Mystical Integration
Thursday, September 28, 2023, 5:30 – 7pm
42 Francis Ave., Cambridge, MA 02138
Dr. Afterman will address the profound impact of Neoplatonism on Kabbalah, the medieval trend of Jewish mysticism. While its impact on the development of a new form of mystical religiosity of communion and unio mystica is relatively known, he will focus on another critical development: Afterman will argue that through an interpretation of Neoplatonic emanation in terms of substantive intra-divine emanation, the kabbalist developed for the first time a Jewish godhead.
Dr. Adam Afterman is a Professor at the Department of Jewish
Philosophy and Talmud at Tel Aviv University, specializing in Jewish
philosophy and Kabbalah. He is a senior scholar and director of the
John Paul II Center for Interreligious Dialogue and a senior fellow of
the Kogod Center for the Renewal of Jewish Thought at the Shalom
Hartman Institute in Jerusalem.
For more details and registration go to the CSWR event page